10th Annual Medical Director Forum
Over 300 medical directors, medical management staff and executives are expected to attend the "10th Annual Medical Director Forum." Increase your organization’s visibility and product awareness via Exhibiting and other Activity Support options listed below.
Exhibitor resources:
Exhibitor Prospectus
> Exhibit Space Application
Exhibitor Service Kit
Exhibitor Audiovisual/Power Order Form
Floor Plan and Booth Assignments (Now available!)
Support opportunities
Promotional support is an excellent way to gain exposure with attendees. We have a list of opportunities, or will work with you on a specific idea that achieves your goals.
General conference support gives you the opportunity to contribute to the key goals of the Medical Director Forum without exhibiting or providing promotional support.
Satellite symposia provide attendees the opportunity to register for independent, industry-sponsored symposia. The evening symposia will take place Thursday, Nov. 3. Satellite symposia are considered unofficial, separate events and are not endorsed by OptumHealth Education (OHE).
Supporter resources:
Promotional and General Conference Support Opportunities
> Support Application
Industry-Sponsored Satellite Symposia Opportunities
> Satellite Symposia Application
Contact us
Exhibit inquiries:
LuAnne Ronning
[email protected]
Support inquiries:
Heidi Leenay
[email protected]
Bethany Severson
[email protected]