Essentials of Oncology, Solid Organ and Blood/Marrow Transplant Management for the Health Care Team-Tuesday, March 21,2017

Scottsdale, AZ US
March 21, 2017

TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 2017 — Attending the full daily program will earn 5.75 contact hours (.575 CEUs). ACPE UAN 0860-0000-17-002-L01-P/0860-0000-17-002-L01-T

8:15–9:15 a.m.

Is There a Link Between Compliance and Quality Health Care Outcomes? Michael S. Wolf, PhD, MPH, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University
Quality health care outcomes depend upon patients’ compliance to recommended treatment regimens. Patient noncompliance can be a pervasive threat to health and well-being and carry an appreciable economic burden as well. A significant barrier to effective medical treatment is the patient’s failure to follow the recommendations of his or her physician or other health care provider. This session will discuss factors that affect compliance and its impact on clinical outcomes, as well as the economic impact on the health care system.

Learning objectives:

  1. Discuss factors that affect patient compliance and their impact on clinical outcomes.
  2. Describe the economic impact of patient noncompliance.
  3. List strategies for enhancing patient compliance and the thresholds for identifying compliance.

9:15–10:00 a.m.

Device Therapy in Heart-failure Patients, Jeffrey Teuteberg, MD, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
The American Heart Association guidelines state left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) are the standard of care for advanced heart failure. While some patients use LVADs as they are waiting heart transplant surgery — called a bridge to transplantation — other patients may not be eligible for heart transplant surgery but may still benefit from an LVAD — called destination therapy. The limited availability of hearts has remained constant, creating a greater demand for LVADs. Managing patients on LVAD support requires regular patient follow up and multidisciplinary care teams. This session will review management strategies to reduce morbidity and mortality in heart-failure patients supported with LVADs; describe candidate selection, outpatient strategies to optimize device performance, complications that warrant close monitoring, heart-failure management and currently available devices; and include an update on devices available for pediatric patients.

Learning objectives:

  1. Describe left ventricular assist device (LVAD) candidate selection, outpatient strategies to optimize device performance and complications that warrant close monitoring.
  2. Review management strategies to reduce morbidity and mortality in heart-failure patients supported with LVADs.
  3. Provide an overview of the current ventricular assist devices available for both adults and pediatrics.
  4. Explain the importance of an interprofessional team approach to optimal management of patients with heart failure.

10:30–11:30 a.m.

Approaches to Cancer Pain Management, Karen J. Stanley, RN, MSN, FAAN, Nursing Consultant, Pain and Palliative Care
Pain associated with cancer can affect millions of people with the disease, and it often is not well managed. The assessment of pain and identification of barriers to its adequate control remains critical to pain management. Effective care requires a partnership among the patient, medical specialists, and family members, and it can help patients achieve the best quality of life possible by enhancing communication and treating the symptoms caused by serious illnesses. This session will discuss the elements of a comprehensive pain assessment, barriers to adequate cancer pain management, and best practices for cancer pain management and associated complications.

Learning objectives:

  1. Outline the elements of a comprehensive pain assessment for cancer patients, including the importance of ongoing monitoring for optimal pain relief.
  2. State the standards, guidelines, barriers and best practices for cancer pain management.
  3. Recognize the importance of an effective partnership between the patient, family members, and interprofessional team in effective cancer pain management.

11:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m.

Updates in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Donald W. Northfelt, MD, Mayo Clinic
Although the exact treatment for breast cancer varies from person to person, treatment guidelines help ensure quality care. These guidelines are based on the latest research and the consensus of experts. A team of experts for comprehensive care is critical to optimal outcomes. This session will discuss which patients will benefit most from a multidisciplinary breast cancer team evaluation and will provide an update on the latest guidelines in breast cancer, as well as review new innovations with surgical treatment and radiation oncology.

Learning objectives:

  1. Describe which patients will benefit most from a multidisciplinary breast cancer team evaluation.
  2. Discuss new innovations with surgical treatment and radiation oncology.
  3. State the latest guidelines in breast cancer management.

1:15–2:00 p.m.

Psychosocial Impact of Transplant in Children, Tamir Miloh, MD, Texas Children’s Hospital
Solid organ transplantation has become the first line of treatment for a growing number of life-threatening pediatric illnesses. Transitioning the adolescent who has been a recipient of a transplant may have long-term psychosocial sequelae. Crucial to successful transitioning is the ongoing development of a sense of autonomy and responsibility for one’s own care. This session will address the barriers to transitioning that occur with long-term survival in pediatric solid-organ transplantation and will discuss evidence-based models and strategies utilized for a successful transition.

Learning objectives:

  1. State factors affecting psychosocial development and readiness for transition in adolescent transplant recipients including self management of medications.
  2. Discuss different care transition models and how they impact adolescents’ quality of life.
  3. Recognize the impact of effective transition of care and an interprofessional team model on improving health outcomes and reducing health care costs.
  4. Address the barriers to adolescent transitioning that occur with long-term survival in pediatric solid-organ transplantation.

2:00–2:45 p.m.

Improving Health Through Medication Management, Theodore M. Sievers, PharmD, UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center
Medications are involved in 80 percent of all treatments and impact every aspect of patients’ lives. Commonly identified drug therapy issues in patients receiving comprehensive medication management services include the need for additional drug therapy for preventive or palliative care. These drug therapy issues can add substantial costs to the health care system. This session will discuss the importance of using pharmacist specialists who are experts in transplant and oncology medication management, as well as the need for proactive management and improved monitoring of patients’ complex needs.

Learning objectives:

  1. Identify common drug therapy issues in patients with complex medication needs.
  2. Discuss best-practice strategies for improvement of medication management.
  3. Describe the role of specialized pharmacists in a variety of practice settings.

2:45–3:30 p.m.

Stem Cell Transplantation (SCT) for Children and Adults with Nonmalignant Blood Diseases — A Growing Indication, John M. Cunningham, MD, The University of Chicago Medicine
SCT is a standard treatment strategy for children and adults with refractory or relapsed hematologic malignancies. In contrast, patients with nonmalignant hematologic diseases such as sickle cell disease, congenital cytopenias, and immunodeficiencies have previously not been transplant-eligible, or receive the procedure only at an advanced disease stage. Improvements in patient selection, donor availability, and peritransplant morbidity and mortality have provided a new paradigm. Chronic symptom management is replaced with effective curative SCT therapy. This session will discuss the emerging standards of care for transplantation for nonmalignant hematologic diseases, donor selection strategies that allow access for all patients who require a transplant, and the importance of follow-up care for prevention of complications that are unique to these populations.

Learning objectives:

  1. Describe the emergence of effective transplant strategies for all patients who require a SCT for nonmalignant hematologic disease.
  2. State the varying approaches to transplant determined by stem cell donor type.
  3. Identify the unique complications in long-term survivors of transplantation for patients with nonmalignant diseases.
  4. Discuss the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in the management of this population pre- and post-SCT.
Activity summary
Available credit: 
  • 5.75 ACPE - Pharmacists
  • 5.75 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
Activity opens: 
Activity expires: 
Event starts: 
03/21/2017 - 8:15am EDT
Event ends: 
03/21/2017 - 3:30pm EDT
The Scott Resort & Spa
4925 North Scottsdale Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
United States

Available Credit

  • 5.75 ACPE - Pharmacists
  • 5.75 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
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