Printable Schedule-at-a-Glance (Updated 10/22/13)Register


5:00–7:00 p.m.

Welcome Reception (provided)
Support for this reception is provided by AstraZeneca.

7:00–8:30 p.m.

Group Dinner (provided)
Support for this dinner is provided by Baxter BioScience.


7:00 a.m.

Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:00 a.m.

Welcome and Opening Remarks

8:30 a.m.

Keynote Address: The Impact of Childhood Trauma and Violence on Physical Health Comorbidities, Vincent J. Felitti, MD, University of California
ACPE # 0012-9999-13-297-L04-P

The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and is one of the largest investigations ever conducted to assess the relationship between childhood trauma and adult well-being. Traumatic childhood experiences have been linked to a variety of changes in brain structure and function. With a specific focus on childhood abuse, neglect and family dysfunction, data collected from the ACE study suggests that certain experiences are major risk factors for the leading causes of illness and death. This session will explore the results of the ACE study and emphasize that prevention of some of our nation’s worst health and social problems might start with understanding that these issues might be consequences of adverse childhood experiences.


  • Review study results from adverse childhood experiences that identified their profound negative effect on health and well-being.
  • State the impact of childhood trauma and violence on physical health comorbidities.

9:30 a.m.


9:45 a.m.

Managing Overweight and Obese Patients Through Behavioral Change, Louis J. Aronne, MD, FACP, Weill Cornell Medical College
ACPE # 0012-9999-13-298-L01-P

A number of skills are required in the management of overweight and obese patients. Behavior therapy has become a standard inclusion in many treatment programs—specific behavioral strategies include stress management, stimulus control, self-monitoring, and social support, and it teaches patients the consequences of problem behaviors. This presentation will review evidence supporting the recommendation that the inclusion of behavior therapy in weight loss and weight maintenance programs helps moderate weight loss by helping patients to make changes in their eating behavior by modifying and monitoring their food intake, increasing their physical activity, and providing them with skills, techniques, and a goal-oriented approach to weight loss.


  • Review evidence that recommends the inclusion of behavior therapy in weight loss and weight maintenance programs to help moderate weight loss.
  • Explain the types of behavior therapy that are effective in the management of overweight and obese patients.
  • State why understanding and managing behaviors and emotional issues related to weight management are essential in addressing weight loss.

10:45 a.m.

Prevention of Unintentional Death in Chronic Pain Management, Lynn R. Webster, MD, FACPM, FASAM, American Academy of Pain Medicine, CRI Lifetree
ACPE # 0012-9999-13-299-L01-P

Opioid analgesics are the primary culprits in the vast majority of U.S. overdose deaths. An analysis conducted by investigators at the CDC in Atlanta, Ga., showed that 75.2 percent of pharmaceutical deaths involved opioids, either alone or in combination with other drugs.

“Data recently released by the National Center for Health Statistics show drug overdose deaths increased for the 11th consecutive year in 2010. Pharmaceuticals, especially opioid analgesics, have driven this increase. Other pharmaceuticals are involved in opioid overdose deaths, but their involvement is less well characterized,” according to the CDC. The data show that in 2010 there were 38,329 drug overdose deaths in the United States. Of the pharmaceutical-related overdose deaths, 74.3 percent (16,451) were unintentional, 17.1 percent (3,780) were suicides, and 8.4 percent (1,868) were of undetermined intent. This session will address the gap in chronic pain management that allows for unintentional death.


  • List the population groups at highest risk for unintentional overdose.
  • Explain the purpose behind state-initiated prescription drug monitoring programs, as recommended by the CDC.

11:30 a.m.

Lunch and Exhibits

1:00 p.m.

Utilizing Palliative Care to Optimize Outcomes of the Seriously Ill, R. Sean Morrison, MD, FAAHPM, National Palliative Care Research Center; Hertzberg Palliative Care Institute
ACPE # 0012-9999-13-300-L04-P

The population of seriously ill adults age 85 and older with multiple chronic diseases is projected to double, reaching 9 million by 2030. The rate of multiple chronic diseases in younger age groups is increasing almost as dramatically. In addition, at least 34 million households depend on related caregivers to care for seriously ill older relatives in their homes. The high stress that many of these caregivers feel puts them at a significantly increased risk for death, major depression and other serious illness. One solution is early referral for palliative care.

Current research shows that palliative care improves the quality of life for patients and their family members. This interdisciplinary medical specialty focuses on the “prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial, and spiritual” (World Health Organization).

This session is designed to increase awareness of the value of specialized palliative care in complex disease management, leading to better outcomes and better health care economics.


  • State the benefits of timely referral to palliative care programs for patients and their caregivers.
  • Recognize the potential impact on health care economics through the utilizing of palliative care.

2:00 p.m.

Strategies to Engage and Empower Consumers to Actively Participate in Their Health Care, Victor J. Strecher, PhD, MPH, University of Michigan School of Public Health
ACPE # 0012-9999-13-301-L04-P

Effectively engaging consumers in healthy behavior change is critical to both their health and well-being. Healthy behavior modifications and the personal choices people make for themselves have a profound influence on the state of their health. While most people know what they need to do to improve their health, more often than not they fall short when it comes to taking effective action. This presentation will discuss the powerful forces that impede the achievement of health care goals. Communication and engagement strategies that can be utilized to better engage and empower these consumers to change their behaviors and be active participants in their health care will be discussed.


  • Discuss the barriers that impede the achievement of health care goals.
  • Identify communication and engagement strategies that engage and empower consumers to change their behaviors and become active participants in their health care.

3:00 p.m.


3:15 p.m.

The Psychological Impacts of Genetic Testing on Patients, Katherine A. Schneider, MPH, CGC, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
ACPE # 0012-9999-13-302-L04-P

The decision of actress Angelina Jolie to have a prophylactic double mastectomy after discovering she had a genetic mutation putting her at high risk for breast cancer has increased the awareness about genetic screening. This session will focus on the psychological and social effects of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer and the importance of informing and supporting women with a high likelihood of developing those cancers. The importance of counseling patients who are either considering genetic testing or have already undergone testing and may be considering prophylactic surgery will be discussed.


  • Outline the psychological and social effects of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer and the importance of informing and supporting women with a high likelihood of developing those cancers.
  • Explain the importance of counseling patients who are considering genetic testing or have already undergone testing and may be considering prophylactic surgery.

4:00–5:00 p.m.

Ethical Considerations in Kidney Paired Donation (KPD), Jeffrey L. Veale, MD, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
ACPE # 0012-9999-13-303-L04-P

The widening gap between the supply and demand for donor kidneys has led to a call for an expansion in the potential donor pool. Such efforts include KPD, which allows for a significant increase in the number of patients that receive a living kidney transplant. Nonsimultaneous Extended Altruistic Donor (NEAD) chains of transplants allow incompatible pairs who receive a kidney to “pay it forward” to another pair in the same situation. There are complex ethical issues surrounding these various applications. In addition, misconceptions frequently occur; for instance, the perceived benefit that donating an organ to a loved one is greater for a related donor than for an altruistic one. During this presentation, the impact of KPD in facilitating live-donor kidney transplantations and the underlying ethical issues pertaining to this field will be discussed.


  • Explain the importance of KPD and the significant impact it has in facilitating live-donor kidney transplantation.
  • Discuss the ethical issues surrounding KPD and NEAD chains.

5:00–7:00 p.m.

Reception and Exhibits

Note: OptumHealth Education reserves the right to make any necessary changes to this program. Efforts will be made to keep presentations as scheduled. However, unforeseen circumstances may result in the substitution of faculty or content.
Last Updated:10/15/2013