Complete the following; an * indicates a required field. At the end of the form, click the "Submit" button. I was unable to attend the live webcast on October 23 for the following reason(s): * I was too busy to participate I had a conflicting obligation My manager did not approve my time to participate I was out of the office I wasn’t interested in the subject matter/topic I didn’t receive confirmation or participation instructions I had technical difficulties connecting to the webcast I knew this activity was being recorded so I decided not to attend the live version I forgot that I planned to attend this webcast Does not apply: I did attend this live webcast as part of a group Does not apply: I did attend this live webcast as an individual viewer Other (Please enter a response in the text box below.) I was unable to attend the live webcast on October 23 for the following reason(s): Other (Please enter a response in the text box below.) I received a registration confirmation e-mail. Yes No Not applicable I received participation reminder email(s). Yes No Not applicable I am satisfied with the number of reminder emails I received. Yes No Not applicable This webcast was recorded and is now available on-demand on the OptumHealth Education website, free of charge at: Do you plan on viewing this accredited, on-demand activity? * Yes No Please indicate which day of the week you prefer to participate in live webcasts. * Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Please indicate which time of the day you prefer to participate in live webcasts. * Early morning (6–8 a.m.) Morning (9–11 a.m.) Lunch (12 p.m.–1 p.m.) Afternoon (1–5 p.m.) Evening (5–8 p.m.) Please indicate your time zone. * Pacific Time Zone Mountain Time Zone Central Time Zone Eastern Time Zone Other (Please enter your time zone in the text box below.) Please indicate your time zone. Other (Please enter your time zone in the text box below.) Leave this field blank