$50 — Received by May 13. Discount Extended!
$75 — On-Site Registration
Vendor/Industry representatives must exhibit/support to attend this conference. Please contact OptumHealth Education for information.
Registration Information
Registration includes conference sessions, program syllabus, continuing education record-keeping and Certificate of Attendance, continental breakfasts, breaks, lunches, and Get-Acquainted Reception.
Send cancellation request to moreinfo@optumhealtheducation.com. A $15 processing fee will be assessed on cancellations received by April 18, 2014. No refunds will be given after April 18, 2014.
OptumHealth Education and Emory University Hospital reserve the right to refuse conference registration and attendance.
Vendors/Industry Representatives must exhibit/support to attend the conference.
Payment Information
If you are paying by check, make the check payable to OptumHealth Education.
Mail to:
Bethany Severson
OptumHealth Education
6300 Olson Memorial Highway
Minneapolis, MN 55427
Credit card payment is accepted. Have your credit card information available during the registration process.