MetNot Met
Define how the application of a variety of evidence-based practices builds the framework for creating a trauma-informed environment.
Describe how different evidence-based practices are interconnected and how they can effectively be used together to support individuals' change in behaviors.
Develop strengths-based engagement strategies that promote healing, empowerment and self-sufficiency.
Recognize the impact that personal biases can have on the healing relationship and identify strategies to remain objective and person-centered.
Develop a deeper awareness of how the use of self is a critical component to the change process and enhance the toolkit of strategies and techniques to foster change at all levels.
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
The content was clearly organized.
The speakers were knowledgeable regarding the content presented.
Participation in this activity increased my professional competence.
Participation in this activity will improve my performance skills in my practice setting.
Participation in this activity will assist in the improvement of my patient outcomes.
The educational design and format of this activity facilitated my learning.
The educational format was appropriate for the content.
Commercial bias is defined as information presented in an activity that attempts to sway participant opinion in favor of a commercial product/device or to further a commercial entity’s business initiatives.
Topics of Interest
In order to plan for future activities, please provide two topics related to this activity that you would like more information on and why.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation.