The purpose of the Clinical Adherence and Remediation (CAR) training team is to meet the medical management training needs of the Care Delivery Organizations (CDOs) we serve. Our training consists of utilization management and case management topics. We also create customized trainings based on the specific needs of our CDOs. We want our CDOs to know that, as they are delegated to take on specific medical management duties, our goal is to help set them up for success through training and ongoing support.

For more information, please contact the CAR training team:

Available On-Demand! There are no fees for participating in or receiving credit for these modules.
Click on the activity title to get started. Once on the activity page: Click 'Register'.

Utilization Management Courses

Case Management Courses

IRR Assessments

Provided by
These activities are provided by Optum Health Education and Optum Care.

Commercial support
No commercial support was received for these activities.

If you have questions regarding OptumHealth Education's activities or services, please e-mail: