This brief 3-month follow-up survey is to assess knowledge retention and determine your progress in making practice changes that were influenced by this activity. Please complete both sections below. An * indicates the field is required. At the end of the survey, click the Submit button.

Test Questions

Test questions enable us to accurately measure outcomes for this activity. Responses are collected from participants one week prior to the activity, at the conclusion of the activity, and 3-months post-activity. To fulfill the final step of this process, please select the correct answer for the following test questions.

A woman with cervical cancer reports her distress about her failure to get routine Pap testing. On further questioning, she also shares that she was not a virgin when she was married, but her husband does not know about this. When asked about her pelvic pain, she resists any opioid medications and says, "What do I expect? I should be punished."
A patient with pancreatic cancer and peritoneal carcinomatosis has chronic abdominal pain. He is admitted with a partial small bowel obstruction and is placed NPO for bowel rest. He is taking 100 mg oral sustained-release morphine 3 times daily with good pain relief, with 30 mg immediate-release morphine for rescue of breakthrough pain. You wish to convert his oral sustained-release morphine to an intravenous morphine drip to continue providing sustained analgesia.
The wife of a man with metastatic prostatic cancer to his bones on active therapy reports that he is not sleeping, has a poor appetite, is unable to ambulate comfortably around the house, and has refused to go to church for the past month. He is on enoxaparin sodium for a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and takes an acetaminophen with oxycodone (5 mg) combination 4 times daily with a laxative.
A man with newly diagnosed advanced lung cancer complains of moderate, aching chest pain, cough, anhedonia, and a feeling that life isn’t worth living anymore. His grandfather, father, and one sister died of lung cancer, and he cared for them when they died. He says he knows what is ahead and he feels helpless and guilty, since he smoked despite it all. He doesn’t want to be a burden to his family, and he asks you for medication to “end it all.”